Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fitting In

Amateur Radio has a lot of facets, and part of my job as a new HAM is to figure out exactly how I'm going to fit in.  I've already decided that I want to max out my license...  hopefully passing my Extra this April.  I also want to get my VE certificate, with the intent that I can help administer license exams to others in the future.  But there's more... I intend to become involved with ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service), and have started studying the required FEMA training needed to qualify. 

You might say that I've got big plans... but they're only about half formed.  I know I want to do something radio oriented with the Boy Scouts (I'll be teaching the Radio Merit Badge this weekend), and I think I'd like to organize a neighborhood emergency response program, but that's still kind of nebulous.  Regardless, there's plenty of things to keep me busy.

Speaking of keeping busy, over the weekend I started working on my HF antenna.  Specifically, I finally set up my new drill press and used it to drill holes in the PVC couplings used to make my traps for 10, 15, 20, and 40 meter bands.  I also cut the coax and bridle wires, and am ready to assemble and solder them together over the coming weeks.  While doing so, I realized that the coax I'd picked up was the low loss equivalent to the RG-58 specified in the article I was following.  Fortunately, I had been reading up some of the reference material, and had the equations used to develop the plans.  I was able to work the formulas myself based on the actual numbers for the LMR-200 cable that I actually purchased, and I think I can adjust the lengths enough to make it work without re-cutting (I hope...  new cable would cost another $10)..  I'm thinking of also adding a trap for the 60 meter band.  Ordered more coax and a dip-meter to tune it all.

Not that I'm in a rush to finish.... Buying an HF rig is going to cost upwards of $500 (used).  I would like to finish before summer.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Last night was the monthly meeting of the Cary Amateur Radio Club.  We got to view a video about antennas and their electrical properties. Kind of neat to see some of the technical information I've read about physically manifested.  Assuming that I ever get around to putting up this antenna I'm planning to put together, it should be useful information.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Join In The Fun

I put in my name to volunteer for the RARSfest ham fest in early April.  I'm planning on helping with the set up and tear-down, as well as with the kids lounge.  Also plan on taking (and passing?!?) the Extra license test. 

Best of all, Pam finally cracked open the book on the Technician license last night, so there is hope.  Now if I can just get the kid to "help her out", we'll be doing great.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year ahead

Christmas is over.   Not that it was a present or anything, but over the holidays I bought the makings for not one but two antennas. 

The first is a j-pole to go with my HT.  Tuned for 2M and 70cm bands.  Some assembly required.  I've bought the PVC tubing and inserted the wires.  Need to mount it on the roof (probably get to that this weekend sometime).  Still need to buy COAX and all the proper fittings to make a connection inside the house.  It will get done eventually.

Second project is more long range.  It will be a multi-band dipole in the attic covering from 10M up to 40M (don't know if I can sneak the 80M band into the space available).  Purchase all the material (wire, etc.) I need to build the thing, but I still need to buy some test equipment to tune it up (antenna anyliser and maybe a grid dip meter).  Then of course, the's always an HF rig to hang off of it...